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Evaluation Framework for Reviewers


Does the submission tackle a notable issue within clinical/health informatics, encompassing any of the following conference aims?

  • Employ evidence- or experience-driven models of informatics practices to enhance healthcare delivery.
  • Utilize informatics tools to enhance collaboration within team-based care.
  • Bridge emerging trends in health and health IT policy with regulatory initiatives affecting care provision.
  • Identify pertinent public and population health informatics strategies for prevalent health concerns.
  • Cultivate essential competencies and leadership abilities specific to health informatics professionals.
  • Evaluate and enhance the implementation of best practices in health IT infrastructure.


Does the submission outline a novel use or advancement in clinical/health informatics? Impact: Has the submission demonstrated tangible effects within any of the primary topic domains:

  • User-Friendliness, Streamlining, and User Experience
  • Clinical Decision Support Systems and Analytical Tools
  • Learning Health Systems
  • Interoperability and Informatics Frameworks
  • Leadership Initiatives, Advocacy Efforts, and Policy Contributions


  • Does the methodology effectively demonstrate the robustness of the techniques employed in the research? (applicable to regular paper and student paper)
  • Are the methods sufficiently detailed to ensure the replicability of the study? (applicable to regular paper, student paper, podium, and poster)
  • Is the organizational approach clearly articulated for the planned activities? (relevant for demonstration, interactive panel, and didactic panel)

Structure and Readability

  • Does the arrangement of sections and content adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Call for Participation?
  • Is the standard of English proficiency satisfactory?
  • Has the submission been formatted in compliance with the specified submission criteria?

Academic Rigor

  • Does the work incorporate and contextualize its findings within relevant existing literature? (applicable to all submission types)
  • When discussing findings with implications for health or healthcare, is the central argument clearly stated and adequately assessed? (relevant for regular paper, student paper, podium, and poster)

”Accept” Example Review

”Accept” Example Review

Fit for CS Academic Publishing House

This paper excels on numerous fronts. It demonstrates exceptional writing, effectively highlighting key points with clear and appropriately emphasized headers, such as ‘Summary of Findings.’ Moreover, it aligns seamlessly with the interests of the CS Academic Publishing House audience, especially those intrigued by data analytics.


This paper presents a content analysis of discussions within the xxx forum. Its primary contribution lies in uncovering valuable insights into the predictive characteristics of posts made by individuals with xxx regarding their recovery journey. Furthermore, the paper extends these insights into actionable recommendations for designers aiming to enhance or create tools supporting individuals with xxx throughout their recovery. This contribution stands out due to the extensive scale of the analysis, which significantly advances existing research in the field.


The novelty of this study is evident. To my knowledge, no other research has addressed this particular issue utilizing comparable methodologies to predict recovery across various health domains. Leveraging a substantial dataset of yyy posts authored by individuals with xxx, the authors have successfully pinpointed predictive characteristics within these posts that anticipate recovery outcomes. While existing literature has explored facets of online discourse, such studies have typically been exploratory and of limited scope. Furthermore, the authors meticulously reviewed the xxx literature, aligning their findings with established knowledge to contextualize their research endeavors.

Appropriateness of Methods

The methodology employed in this study is transparent, comprehensively outlined, and aptly aligned with addressing the specified research inquiries. Additionally, commendable attention is directed towards human subjects and ethical considerations, evident through the meticulous handling of modified quotes and explicit deliberation on ethical ramifications.

Interpretation and Relevance of Results

Even though the analysis was complex, the authors explained everything clearly, making it easy for readers without technical knowledge to understand. This paper’s strengths include using both qualitative and quantitative methods and ensuring the validity of the findings. It also suggests practical design implications, connecting their predictive model findings to potential technological tools for aiding recovery. The authors were careful to mention any limitations and issues with their results.

Suggestions for Improvement

Start the paper and abstract by clearly mentioning that design insights are included, not just identifying those likely to recover. Also, think about adding a caution about design implications. While nudges can be good for positive change, they might sometimes make things worse. For instance, what if nudges cause people to withdraw from social media and feel even more isolated?

”Accept” Example Review

”Decline” Example Review

Fit for CS Academic Publishing House

Exploring how design elements of an online health community impact participation is both intriguing and crucial. These findings could significantly enhance the effectiveness of online resources. Nevertheless, the paper falls short of meeting the expectations of the CS Academic Publishing House audience due to insufficient detail, including a lack of a clearly outlined methodology and specific design recommendations.


This paper presents a content analysis of discussions within the xxx forum, aiming to shed light on the impact of online health community features on participation, using zzz as a prime example. While I concur with the importance of adopting a socio-technical approach in studying community engagement, this paper falls short in offering actionable guidance for designers. Additionally, methodological shortcomings acknowledged by the authors hinder the ability to establish concrete causal effects, ultimately constraining the paper’s overall contribution.


Numerous studies have investigated the influence of online communities on participation. However, the authors could have enriched their paper by incorporating a more comprehensive review of prior research, clarifying any gaps and their relevance to their study. For instance, within the field of human-computer interaction, there is substantial literature addressing factors impacting online community engagement. Notably, the authors of paper x examined the same community and delved into how moderators’ posts influenced participation.

Appropriateness of Methods

The authors offer limited insight into their data collection methodology, leaving important gaps in understanding. Sampling posts only at specific times of the year poses methodological constraints that might have affected the outcomes. Consequently, as a reader, evaluating and justifying the findings becomes challenging. Enhancing the paper’s credibility requires comprehensive and transparent methods aligned with the research objectives. Additionally, discussing methodological limitations would further bolster the paper’s integrity.

Interpretation and Relevance of Results

The study’s findings support previous research indicating that participation tends to drop after interface changes. However, it’s important to note that changes in moderation practices might also play a significant role in influencing participation. While the authors did include qualitative analysis to explore why people leave the forum, the way quotes are presented could be improved. Instead of explaining or organizing the quotes to make them clear, they are simply listed at the end of the results section. There are many potential reasons why users might stop participating, including simply struggling with change. The study did provide valuable insights into the types of factors that might lead someone to leave the forum and the kinds of complaints they might have. However, it’s difficult to prove causation for user abandonment through this kind of retrospective analysis.

Suggestions for Improvement

Regrettably, the paper falls short in offering practical advice or insights on how to improve forum design. For instance, the category “availability of better platforms” lacks specificity in explaining what features make other platforms superior. While I appreciate the authors’ efforts in employing various methods to address this issue, I didn’t see how they could fulfill their promise of providing design insights solely through content analysis.