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Submissions are FREE!

By the end of 2024, all articles submitted to our platform will be exempt from any associated fees.

Don’t miss the opportunity to submit!

Open Access Fee Schedule

    • Peer-review by our editorial board
    • Publication in open-access Journal
    • Indexation
    • Social Media Promotion

    To celebrate the launch of our journal, all submissions received by the end of 2024 will be free of charge!

    Standard Fee policy

    At ConductScience Academic Publishing House, we are committed to facilitating the dissemination of high-quality academic research while maintaining transparency and fairness in our fee structure. Our fee policy ensures equitable access to the publication process while supporting the operational costs involved in maintaining a reputable peer-reviewed journal.

    Publication Fee:
    Upon acceptance of an article for publication, authors are required to pay an additional open access publication fee as per the fee schedule. This fee supports the dissemination of research to a global audience without barriers, ensuring maximum visibility and impact for the published work.

    Fee Waiver Policy:
    ConductScience Academic Publishing House recognizes that financial constraints may pose challenges for some researchers. Therefore, we offer a fee waiver policy to support authors in need. Fee waivers will be considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the quality of the submitted article and the financial circumstances of the authors.

    Decision Process:
    The decision to grant a fee waiver rests solely with the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) or designated editorial committee. Authors seeking a fee waiver should submit a request along with their manuscript, providing justification for the waiver based on financial need or other relevant factors.

    Guidelines for Fee Waiver Requests:

    • Authors requesting a fee waiver should provide a clear and concise explanation of their financial circumstances.

    • Fee waiver requests should be submitted at the time of manuscript submission to ensure timely consideration.

    • The decision regarding fee waivers will be communicated to the authors along with the outcome of the peer review process.

    Appeals Process:
    In the event that a fee waiver request is denied, authors may submit an appeal to the Editor-in-Chief, providing additional information or documentation to support their case. The EIC or editorial committee will review the appeal and make a final determination.

    At ConductScience Academic Publishing House, we strive to foster a supportive and inclusive publishing environment that values the integrity and diversity of academic research. Our fee policy is designed to balance the need for sustainable publishing practices with a commitment to accessibility and fairness. We encourage authors to reach out to our editorial team with any questions or concerns regarding our fee structure or waiver policy.