Abstract submission guidelines
All submissions must conform to the format and presentation requirements described herein. Specific file formatting requirements as well as an example template are given below in the submission format section. Please also pay particular attention to instructions at the end on the File Format Requirements and Reference Format. The submitted research from this conference will be published as the ConductScience Proceedings and indexed in Google scholar, DOI and ISSN placement for CV use.
Important: Deviation from the prescribed format, especially the number of pages and modifications of template margins or font sizes, may result in rejection of the submission without review.
Read the general requirements for Abstracts, including limitations on page numbers; please note that page sizes are required to be U.S. Letter (8.5 x 11 inch).
Please choose carefully the most relevant abstract topic from the drop-down menu.
Your abstract title should be short and informative, and must not exceed 200 characters.
Abstract Body
Your abstract body can have a maximum of 5000 words. The first sentences should provide the background of the work. This should be followed by the experimental details, with a conclusion of one or two sentences. The abstract body should be presented as one single paragraph – do not use paragraph returns or subheadings. Reference citations should be given where previously published results are presented. Up to three citations are permitted.
Do not include any keywords or commercial advertising.
Submission Instructions
When submitting, please choose only 1 member of Scientific Committee to review your abstract!
To ensure a smooth review process, all submitted abstracts must meet the following formatting requirements:
1- Line Numbering:
- Continuous line numbering should be enabled throughout the abstract.
- Line numbers must appear in the left margin of each page to facilitate precise comments and feedback during the review.
2-Page Numbering:
- Pages must be numbered sequentially, starting from the title page.
- Page numbers should be placed in the header or footer of the document, preferably on the top or bottom right corner.
Failure to include line and page numbering may delay the review process. Please ensure these formatting requirements are adhered to before submission.
To ensure a smooth review process, all submitted abstracts must meet the following formatting requirements:
Submission Format
- A PDF or a Word document. The file should be submitted to the Manuscript section (Details Tab), and also the text of the PDF/Word should be submitted to the Abstract section (Manuscript Information Tab).
- A single column formatted document.
- Word count: Up to 5000 words.
- Formatted for U.S. Letter (8.5 x 11 inch) paper size with one-inch margins left, right, top, and bottom.
- And, the text within the Submission is formatted as follows:
- Title is 14-point bold, centered, title case (using initial capitals for each word in the title other than articles and prepositions);
- Below the title, are the names, credentials, institutions and locations of the author(s) or panelists, exactly as they are to appear in the online and print programs and the Proceedings, using 12-point Times New Roman typeface, single column, bold, centered, upper and lower case using appropriate capitals;
- The main text of the submission is single-spaced in 10-point Times New Roman typeface, justified, one-column format;
- References should be added at the end of the abstract;
- Tables and graphs can be submitted as an attached image document with your abstract. Allowed formats are: gif, png, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff,; max. file size is 15 MB; max. size of one image is 1500px. Please remember to insert the reference (Table 1, Figure 1, etc.) in the abstract.
- All caps, bold, italics, or underline are only used for emphasis.